Buvęs žalgirietis B. Motumas su žmona Martyna susilaukė pirmagimio (FOTO)

Dvejus metus Kauno „Žalgiryje“ žaidęs australas Brockas Motumas su žmona, lietuvaite, Martyna Motum susilaukė pirmosios atžalos.

Porai gimė berniukas, kurį pavadino Maverick William vardu.

Brockas ir Martyna amžiną meilę prisiekė 2018 metais, Italijoje, įstabaus grožio Ravello miestelyje.

Primename, kad Martyna Marmaitė-Motum anksčiau dirbo „Žalgirio“ komandoje ir buvo „Žalgirio TV“ vedėja.

B. Motumas šiuo metu vilki „Valencia Basket“ klubo marškinėlius ir Eurolygoje vidutiniškai įmeta po 6,2 taško, atkovoja po 1,5 kamuolio bei renka po 5,3 naudingumo balo.

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Lockdown One of the last pictures taken when it all seemed in control & Europe felt untouchable. Today we are on our 15th day in lockdown. It all sounds like a bad dream, all the stories, news & increasing numbers. At the same time we have been given a very clear instruction of staying at home & at this point that’s all we have been doing. Only rare & quick grocery trips, where I am not allowed to come (@brockm12 orders) and that’s about it, at this point there is nothing that is more important than our health. By staying home we are not only protecting ourselves but others too, so be mindful people. Not much is asked of us just not to be stupid and understand that pointless outings are putting a lot of people at risk. Live simple, make it work with what you got & keep having a good time with your partners/families at home - that’s what we are doing! #stayhome #liekamnamie

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